Sailing The Apostle Islands.

We left Copper Harbor, and the winds were very unfavorable, so we sailed for a short while, then motored on , arriving in the Apostle Islands the following morning around 4am. We anchored off Stockton Island, and after breakfast, with brisk winds, we sailed off anchor and spent the next 6 hours  zigzagging thru the islands.  We then sailed way out on a starboard tack intending to aim for  a port tack along the south shore. It was not to be.   The wind changed and we ended up back in the islands once again. After a photo opportunity (photos are in my Picasso album on Google). We motored overnight to Bark Bay on the south coast about 35 miles from Duluth, Mn.  We are motoring towards Duluth to muster with the other tall ships for the entrance into the Harbor.

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One Response to Sailing The Apostle Islands.

  1. carlsons says:


    Enjoying your posts and pictures. Duluth has changed much since Deb and I were there in the 70s. Summertime is great but the winter is cold!

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